and the author of Franecdotes now appearing in RV Companion Magazine |
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My name is Fran and my game is Travel! Welcome to MY page in this conglomeration! Fran is short for Frances Ann Claspy Crawford Fletcher and I am a full time RVer, which means I live, all the time...24/7... in a recreational vehicle. It means that just about everything I own goes with me wherever I go in our full time RV travels... computers, cameras, golf clubs, harmonicas... you know... all the important STUFF. It also means that when folks ask 'Where do you live?" I can reply 'Here. Because... Home Is Where We Park Our House.' Yuba City, CA is the last place we had a house with a foundation and I expect that's what folks mean when they say 'home.' Living in a RV full time does not mean I am in a tuna can all day. I do get out of it to explore the areas where we park our house, I get out on golf courses, I go to grocery stores and post offices and I spend a couple of hours a week in a laundromat! Live Upon the Open Road I love fulltime RVing... traveling and exploring new places. I am one of those people who has a NEED to see what is around the next bend ...or what will come up on the next spin of the wheels in a slot machine!. I have recently noticed some similiarities there. I can usually pass on a visit to a casino, but the urge to travel the open road has been in me since childhood... long before RV traveling was popular. |